In planning our curriculum, which began with the National Curriculum, we designed a framework of education for our pupils which enables them to deepen their understanding and knowledge of key concepts across the key stage and within each curriculum area (intent). Through planned units of work with subject specific pedagogy, using engaging resources and teaching styles to meet the needs of all pupils, we promote creativity and curiosity. Whilst our curriculum is thematic, in that we have overarching themes each term, most subjects are taught discretely with links being made across subjects where these naturally occur (implementation).
We do everything we can to make our curriculum inclusive, reflecting the richness and diversity of our local and wider community, enjoyable, accessible and relevant to all pupils. We are passionate about raising standards for every pupil and nurturing a love of learning so whether a pupil has special educational needs and/or disabilities, are learning English as an additional language or are working below or above age related expectations, we are always there to support and challenge them in whatever way we can. We can evaluate what knowledge and understanding pupils have gained against expectations to prepare them for the next stage in their learning journey (impact).
The effectiveness of our curriculum, in terms of personal and academic development, is evaluated through:
- Progress data
- End of year/key stage assessment data
- The celebration of personal achievements
- Feedback from parents/carers and the pupils
Our Curriculum Foundations
- Developing a sense of self through opportunities for personal, social and emotional aspects of learning, including the most effective ways of living and learning collaboratively within our immediate community and the wider world.
- Developing a sense of belonging and an understanding of our place in the world through activities to engage with geographical, historical and scientific learning.
- Promoting physical education alongside knowledge of how to stay safe and make healthy lifestyle choices within the framework of the statutory Relationships & Health Education curriculum.
- Learning the skills of reading and writing through a programme of systematic synthetic phonics in a language rich environment where vocabulary is taught and present in all curriculum areas.
- Learning the skills of mathematics with practise and application in problem solving activities.
- Developing an understanding of the digital world and computing, including how to stay safe online and understand the impact of technology in the wider world.
- Encouraging creativity through art, drama and music and by thinking critically and taking risks to build resilience.
- Collaborative learning and engagement through our thematic curriculum and special themed weeks such as Diwali and Eid.
- Environmental education including growing, cooking and being ecologically aware.
Curriculum Enrichment
- Trips and Visits which may include the local theatre, library, places of worship, places of historical or environmental interest, the Sealife Centre and the Zoo.
- Visitors including our Parish Priest, theatre and dance performers, road safety and online safety professionals, the NSPCC, people who help us and professional athletes.
- Events including the local Dance festival, Wake-up, Shake-up festival, community inclusion events like the Maidenhead Lantern Parade, local Reading and Writing challenges, sporting activities and competitions.