Menu/Meal Information
All Foundation Stage 2 and Key Stage 1 children are currently able to enjoy a free school meal under the Universal Infant Free School Meal Programme and the menu below shows the daily options each term. The school packed lunch on a Tuesday and Wednesday includes a sandwich, carrot & cucumber sticks, a piece of fruit and a home-made biscuit. On a Monday and Thursday we offer a jacket potato with a choice of topping.
The meals have to be ordered by 9:00am every day so please look at the menu with your child and ensure they know what they are having for lunch. If, for any reason, your child is going to be late arriving, please telephone the school if you would like a school meal ordering.
If there is nothing on the menu that your child likes, healthy packed lunches from home are always welcome. Fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate spread, nuts (in any form, including Peanut Butter), meat on the bone or hot food from home are NOT permitted. We have pupils with nut allergies, often severe, so we need to be very vigilant.
Please come and see us if your child has any specific food intolerance or allergies and we will do everything we can to cater for their needs.