School Logo

Gallery of school displays and special events


Our fabulous Boyne Hill Talent Show in aid of Comic Relief

The staff enjoyed supporting World Book Day - see class pages for pupil photos

An inspirational demonstration of musical instruments by iRock

Many of our Governors talked to the children about their role in a special assembly.

We took part in the 'Maidenhead Lantern Parade'

Supporting Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day - December 2023

Supporting Genetic Disorders UK on Jeans4Genes Day - September 2023


Celebrating Niki's Dance Club in a special assembly

Taking part in an Inclusion Event at Manor Green School

Our Gardening Club have been hard at work

A fantastic morning with author and illustrator, Simon Murray - May 2023

Four spiders came to school over half term and are now hanging out in the playground!

Our Rocksteady pupils performed to an audience - March 2023

Supporting the National Autistic Society on Onesie Wednesday

Dressing up on World Book Day 2023

A special visitor came to Boyne Hill

Taking part in the Maidenhead Lantern Parade - December 2022

Our Rocksteady pupils performed to an audience - December 2022

Children in Need Day 'Spotacular' 2022

National Fitness Day - September 2022
