Absence Procedures
Illness and Medical Appointments
When a pupil is unwell, parents/carers should contact the school by lunchtime on the first day of absence, informing the school of the reason for absence.
Telephone 01628 622708
The class teacher will record the absence in the register. In-line with our Safeguarding Procedures, if the school has concerns about a pupil’s absence and no message has been received regarding the reason for the absence, the school office will endeavour to contact the parent/carer or other emergency contacts to check on the safety of the pupil.
If a pupil is absent due to vomiting or diarrhoea, they should not return to school for 48 hours. This will reduce the risk of infection to other pupils and adults at school. Medical certificates are required for an absence greater than five days.
Every effort should be made to arrange medical appointments outside school hours. If it is necessary for a pupil to be out of school for this reason, they should be returned to school directly after the appointment.