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Our Ethos, Vision & Values

Boyne Hill Infant & Nursery is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School with a strong Christian ethos. 

Jesus told us that he came 'not to be served, but to serve' and in Feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14: 13-21), performed a miracle to ensure that everyone’s physical needs were met through rest and food; he expanded their thinking and understanding through his teaching and brought them closer to God through prayer and his loving compassion towards them.


Boyne Hill Infant and Nursery School recognises its historic foundation and will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England. We aim to nourish our community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of Christian values and promote them through the experience we offer to all.



Rooted in our local community, together we build a welcoming sanctuary where everyone is shown love, care and respect. Inspired by Jesus, we nurture the ethos ‘not to be served, but to serve’ (Matthew 20:28) and our work is reflected in our motto: ‘Feeding body, mind and soul’.


The evolution of our Vision began in 2017 when we held a 'Vision Day' involving our whole school and wider community where thoughts and ideas were gathered. Following a process of modification and refinement, our Vision, as it stands today, was adopted at the beginning of 2019. 



To develop the full potential of every pupil by providing a place where they can grow academically, physically, morally, socially and spiritually, equipping them with the skills to face future challenges with confidence.



  • To provide a safe and secure environment where all pupils are encouraged to make healthy choices and understand how to keep themselves safe.
  • To embed a nurturing culture where all pupils feel happy, confident, valued and enjoy learning.
  • To encourage all pupils to be curious, to question and be risk takers who are not afraid to make mistakes.
  • To provide a challenging curriculum where all pupils aspire to reach their full potential and take pride in their achievements.
  • To provide equal opportunities for all and encourage a caring and respectful attitude towards all members of our school and the wider community, reflecting the British Values and our Christian ethos.
  • To cultivate in all, a respect for the spiritual, moral and cultural values of our diverse community.
  • To nourish wellbeing and support the development of skills, knowledge and experience to enrich body, mind and soul.
  • To encourage all pupils to care for their school, the environment in which they live and the wider world as global citizens.
  • To use resources responsibly and effectively to ensure economic sustainability.
  • To develop a close partnership with parents and carers and encourage their active involvement in supporting the education of their children and holistic vision of the school.
  • To foster the continuous development of expertise within the school community.


'Pupils thrive at this vibrant and cheerful school, where they feel valued and excited to attend.'

Ofsted 2024

Thankfulness: Feeling or showing gratitude when you are glad about something.

Bible reference (Luke 17:11-19) The Ten Lepers

Compassion: To show concern for the suffering or misfortune of others.

Bible reference (Luke 15:11-32) The Prodigal Son

Reverence: A deep feeling of awe and respect for someone or something.

Bible reference (Exodus 3:1-17) Moses and the Burning Bush

Endurance: To keep going even if things are challenging.

Bible reference (Book of Genesis) Noah's Ark

Friendship: A relationship between people who like each other and enjoy each other's company.

Bible reference (Matthew 26:17-30) The Last Supper

Justice: Fairness in the way people are treated.

Bible reference (The Book of Esther 2:7) Esther

Year 1 Diwali Week Celebration Assembly Autumn Term 2024

Year 2 Eid Week Celebration Assembly Summer Term 2024

Our multi-faith assembly on the theme of 'endurance' - January 2024
